Itinerary We departed San Antonio on Friday, September 6, flying from San Antonio to Houston, Newark, and finally to Frankfurt. Even though we only checked one bag each (the bike box and a large duffel bag that held the seats and panniers), Continental charged $80 each way for the bike box. Jayne carried on a small backpack and I carried on the waterproof bag that would hold the backpack and could be strapped to the luggage rack (see the Gear page for details). Other than being long and boring (well, except for Spiderman on the inflight movie), the flight was reasonably comfortable, even for coach. The 767s have television sets at each seat for movies or games, comfortable headphones, and even a bit of legroom. Our flight arrived in Frankfurt at 9:30 Saturday morning. Jayne had read that a good way to beat jet lag is to immediately get out into the sun and exercise, so our first order of business was to assemble the bike and to ride to our first (and only hotel reservation) destination, Mainz. By noon, the bike was together, the bags were loaded, and we were ready to roll. By the numbers... click on the city name for a travelogue