September 21: Worms to Frankfurt September 22: Frankfurt Click on small photos for a full size picture. Our last day on the bike. It's cloudy, a bit cool, and looks like
rain. We start off through vineyards, then back to the Rhine. Once we reach Mainz, we rejoin the original cycle track we followed from the airport on the first day of the tour. Except for the adventure of hauling the bike up and down the steps to the pedestrian bridge over the Main, the ride is generally uneventful. In the middle of the bridge, another cyclist stops us and asks "Were you in Strasburg last week?" When we reply in the affirmative, he says that he was passing in the opposite direction and saw us, but we were gone before he could catch up. We have a nice chat, discussing the bike and the trip. As we close in to the airport, a nice gentleman guides us directly to the airport, allowing us to bypass the forest path we took on the outbound leg. Back at the airport, we retrieve the bike box and begin to pack. The attendant at baggage storage remembers us and asks about our trip. Curious onlookers ask about the bike (we add a new language - Russian). While I work on the bike, Jayne goes to information to find a hotel. By the time the bike is ready, we have a hotel in a nearby suburb. It has a lovely view of the local chemical plant. The next morning, we take the train into Frankfurt. Since it's Sunday,
the all the shops are closed, and the city seems deserted. As we near the train station, we stumble upon a street festival sponsored by
the Frankfurt Alsation club. After breakfast the next morning, we shuttle back to the airport for the return trip. We fly Frankfurt-Newark, the direct to San Antonio, arriving home before 10 pm on the 23rd. |